
You have reached the homepage of 'Mezmorize' aka Mezmorizingmage. I now own 3 websites, the first being the one you are viewing and the second being my main website OldGameHacking.com. Both Mezmorizingmage.com and OldGameHacking.com are currently only redirect addresses to Google's Blogger.

Today I announce ownership of my third website RetroGamingFiles.com, for use as a 150 GB file server. Unlike the previous 2 websites I had already owned, this one is hosted by GoDaddy.com. Any post made before this one that contained a download link, should be ignored because it could possibly and probably contain a dead link.

Instead of switching between multiple accounts and sites, I've decided to re-purpose this site since I never really used it lately. I won't use GoDaddy's website builder and such, but use it for hosting files to be direct-linked to this site and OldGameHacking.com. So for now on, I will post retro gaming file post here with direct links from RetroGamingFiles.com, whenever I'm not busy on OldGameHacking.com.

I decided to give back to the retro community by paying for the hosting of some files, so Merry Christmas! The reason I have chosen to host retro gaming related stuff is because of how many old sites I've seen disappear from the 'net over the years. Services such as GeoCities shutting down, hard-drive failure and general lack of interest has caused many homebrew applications to be nearly, if not impossible, to find. I'm not saying that I promise to keep the server going for 10 years, but any amount of time would only help with keeping files alive on the internet.

Consider donating, whether it be hard to find files, or money. :-)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

PSX AR3Stop Patcher



Kamilion said...

Ahhh, thanks.
Long long ago, somewhere around 2000ish, Herben and I got together and wrote ar3stop.

A friend gave me a SCPH-7501 recently, and I dug out my original GSP3.2 cart that the old ar3stop was developed on, and promptly totaled it due to forgetting about the VMem bug.
Now I have it back thanks to you.

Thanks for finally fixing the VMem issue -- how'd you do it?

Feel free to continue to distribute it to anyone who needs it. You can pass any questions on to me.

Just a note: Hanimar's ar3flash.exe flasher works best with Windows 98's DOS boot disk, with the bios set to "Bidirectional" parallel port.
It also seems to work with FreeDOS as well.

I'll try to recover my old GS code archive, if I'm successful, I'll send you a copy of the raw rom with the updated codelist.

Mezmorize said...

Damn, I feel stupid to not notice a comment for 5 months lol.

First off, thanks for your work and allowing to distribute for anyone.

I would go to GSHI.org and make an account if I were you. That's the site where I first heard of the program. I'm sure they would have questions for you.

As for how I fixed the bug... Well, it's been so long my memory is a little fuzzy.

Here's about all I remember: I dumped a brand new never open 3.0 rom to start off with for backup or whatever. Then I installed the 3.2 updated rom. I dumped the rom both before and after patching with ar3stop to find out what/where the patch actually went in the hex.

The problem was that the Game Shark purges the memory of the V-Mem area, but only the first time it is ever launched. So instead of patching a never launched v3.2, I simply instead patched a rom AFTER already going into the v-mem menu.

I then switched v-mem slots, dumped, patched, and reuploaded over and over until the patch was on every slot.

Oh yeah, the patch went in the final 15th slot of the memory card. I just made a single save on that slot before patching so it would have an icon...

Mezmorize said...

Ok, a little more info just popped into my head.

If you take a decrypted rom and split it into 4 parts (HJSplit or whatever) the 4th part will be the current v-mem slot.

(Add the extension .bin and you can use with the emulator pSX)

That's why I had to change v-mem slots and ar3 patch every one.

Kamilion said...

Hah, clever fix for the v-mem.

Sad to say, I never did manage to recover my code archive... All those hundreds of xenogears codes... gone...

Ah well.

I had a GSCCC account once, before GSHI.org came about.

Interesting trivia, the "By: " IIRC is "herben" XOR'd by 0xDEADBEEF.

All credit goes to him for the actual writing of the code and app -- I just had the initial idea of ripping AHOY!'s cd stop code and tying it with the hardware AR3 button. And having the cart to test it with, heh.